CuGust is an initiative born in 2014 with the aim of identifying and developing the eno-gastronomical features of Romania giving a special attention to cultural, touristic and gastronomic paths specific to the territory and traditions.
This gastronomic guide, in fact, the first one of its type in Romania, was created in order to shape the above mentioned shape for generating an anticipative cultural movement of the region's gastronomy which is partially unknown until now.
Similar initiatives in other European Union states recorded in the last decade great interest and enthusiasm generating a virtuous mechanism which was focused on a correct, healthy, tasty and convivial diet, centering on each dish the most important elements of the traditions and territory, in an ideal route which stems from the respect for the seasonal aspect of the products and the variety of the edible raw materials, the fruits of one of the most clean and fertile lands of the whole Europe.
CuGust supports the initiatives of the selected places which know how to distribute local traditions with theme based meals, local products and wine tastings and any other initiative related to spreading the local eno-gastronomical culture.
The next objective targets the extension of the goal with a proposal of innovating hospitality containing and reuniting ambience, services and information related to the area in which the restaurant adhering to this project becomes an authentic Custodian.
A new project
The cultural and promotional route of the CuGust project offers visibility and value to those believing in their own region, supporting at the same time a set of different popular economic and touristic activities.
The gastronomy and restaurants are not only instruments and places where you can have a great meal or where you can have moments of conviviality but they are also modern tools of yielding the territory, culture, tradition and its protagonists.
In the kitchens of restaurants, the memory and local products are presented with innovation and creativity as tourism and knowledge circulation are harmoniously implemented. Therefore, the restaurant becomes the place where the past, the present and the future meet and generate a cultural and social identity of the territory.
Starting from this premise and from the fact that, today, in the kitchen, the use of local products became popular based on merits and was successful in the whole sector of restoration: CuGust focuses on new and more ambitious objectives.
For 2018, we plan on refining the theme of hospitality in the tourism sector, especially as a consequence of increased flow recorded in all Europe: a perfect opportunity to impress the sophisticated taste buds that are already too used with the aromas flattened by the characteristics of industrial production, with the recovery of sensations generated by the old tastes now lost by many but which were not forgotten and instantly recognized and recaptured by the most profound layers of our genetic imprint.
Project objectives
The project's goal is to present each restaurant with a close up on the distinctive feature of each: not only reviews related to the food, cuisine, raw materials used in preparing the dishes (elements which are in fact already available on a large scale and which can be checked by using some alternative means) but especially by identifying and capitalizing of that “Je ne sais quoi” by which each restaurant must be distinctive from the rest of the others in the area. There is no ranking: all are unique, different and all of them deserve to be experienced.